Enchanted Pixie Yorkie: Difference between revisions

From Amaretto Breedables K-9 Manual
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[[Enchanted Eyes|Purple Pixie Dust Eye]]
[[Enchanted Eyes|Purple Pixie Dust Eye]]
[[Enchanted Collars|Purple Swirl Collar]]
[[Enchanted Collars|Purple Swirl Collar]]

Revision as of 23:36, 1 February 2012

Purple Pixie Dust Eye

Purple Swirl Collar

Enchanted K-9s are very special K-9s that can be born at random from ANY K-9 breeding combination.

Enchanted K-9s are NOT able to pass their coats, eyes or collars. However, you could get extremely lucky and birth another Enchanted K-9.

When you breed an Enchanted K-9 (whether it is with another Enchanted K-9 or any other K-9) you DO have an increased chance at receiving another random Enchanted K-9.

The non-Enchanted offspring of Enchanted K-9s do NOT have an increased chance of producing Enchanted K-9s.