Wolf Collars
List of K-9 Traits | K-9 Coats | K-9 Eyes | K-9 Collars | Other K-9 Traits | Head Traits | Paw Traits | Tail Traits | Harness | Neck Piece | Tag | Wing | Qualified Breeding |
- Wolf Apollo
- Wolf Asteria
- Wolf Selene
- Poseidon
- Athena
Amaretto has its own take on the Wolf. The Wolf Collars are Non-Starter collars that can come from breeding a Wolf.
You can have a chance at one of these exciting Non-Starter Wolf collars by breeding any Wolf with another K-9 or by breeding together two Wolves.
In December 2017 Amaretto celebrated Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Amaretto Christmas K-9s. If you breed these K-9s together you got a chance at getting a Poseidon or Athena Collar!
These collars CAN be passed on.
- Wolf Collars
Wolf Collars
Wolf Collars
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